A total of 238,683,791.63 euros have been credited to the accounts of 394,738 beneficiaries, which relate to the payment of the compensatory allowance, as announced by the OPEKE.
The total amount of integration based on the applications/requests of the beneficiaries amounted to EUR 264,841,610.52.
However, as the Payments Agency said in its statement:
– the application of the eligibility criteria for inclusion,
– the Decision on the inclusion of operations in Intervention P3-71,
– -ing of the list of approved producers based on the first ranking,
– the carrying out of all the checks provided for in national and Community law (e.g. monitoring, active farmer, etc.),
– the application of the reductions-cum-subsidies referred to both in the applicable CAP system and in the relevant ministerial decision; and
– the systematic recovery of multiannual penalties, the final payment amount before offsets per Action, is as follows:
* For Action P3-71.1 a total of 246,972 beneficiaries were paid 171,796,497.12 euros.
* For Action P3-71.2, EUR 57,309,015.27 was paid to 125,152 beneficiaries.
* For Action P3-71.3, 22,614 beneficiaries received EUR 9,578,279.24.
In addition, as OPEKEPE stresses, in the payment unduly paid amounts of previous years were recovered, which arose exclusively from previous payments of the “equalization aid” and not from other measures, with the relevant records of the payments already sent to the bank and the crediting of the beneficiaries’ accounts is being completed.
Regarding young beneficiaries born in the year 2006, they will be included as final beneficiaries in the second ranking of beneficiaries, so that all of them as a whole will have reached the age of 18 and will have full legal capacity on the day of the adoption of the decision on their inclusion.
For the cases concerning farmers involved in the transfer of pasture rights (transferor-receivers), who were not included in the current payment due to non-allocation of pasture land, OPEKEPE is in the process of supplementary pasture land allocation, so that within a few weeks the payment of all their aid can be completed.
Finally, it is noted that the beneficiaries concerned have the right to file an appeal against the results of the payment for a period of 10 working days, starting from a date to be announced in the near future.
- OPEKEPE: 238 million euros of compensatory allowance paid to 394,738 beneficiaries appeared first on ProtoThema English.